You’ve probably been hearing about the Great Resignation (or however you want to describe it) for months now. Even if you’re not dealing directly with increased turnover, your employees know they have options. Their friends, family, and people they know peripherally or on social media have made the leap and are gleefully announcing it on LinkedIn.
7 Ways to Reengage Your Workforce and Inspire Loyalty
Topics: leadership, hr, motivation
Good Worker, Poor Attitude: Boosting Employee Morale
If we held the key for resolving the seemingly endless workplace morale problems, we would never have to work another day. While boosting employee mindset and motivation is a fairly complex topic involving many factors and moving pieces, generally the best approach to the issue is to look at the factors that substantive data has shown most closely align with employee satisfaction. Multiple research ranks these criteria in a number of varying sequences; however, there is no question that the factors listed below greatly impact an employee’s overall satisfaction in the workplace:
Topics: leadership, teams, hr, motivation, tips
Four Ways to Show Employees That You Appreciate Them
How often do you say “thanks” to your team? Daily, occasionally, during an annual review?
Saying thanks and showing appreciation shouldn’t be limited to special occasions. Here are four ways to create a culture of appreciation in your workplace:
Topics: teams, hr, humancapitalmanagement, motivation