Back-to-School: Frequently Asked Questions about Leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
Topics: covid, leadership, teams, employers
A federal court in New York recently struck down four federal Department of Labor rules related to the leaves provided by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). As a result, certain aspects of the FFCRA are now more favorable to employees. Unfortunately, it’s not clear if the ruling applies nationwide or only in the Southern District of New York, where the court is located. Until there is further activity in the case—which may clarify whether the rules remain intact throughout the rest of the country—we recommend that employers err on the side of caution when administering FFCRA leaves and assume these particular rules no longer apply.
Topics: covid_19, covid, employees, hr, documentation
Six Tips for Managing Stress in the Workplace
We’re all supposed to feel stress from time to time. It’s the way the body responds to demands and dangers. A stressful event triggers the release of hormones. These hormones, according to Psychology Today, “increase heartbeat and the circulation of blood to support quick action, mobilize fat and sugar for immediate energy, focus attention to track the danger, prepare muscles for movement, and more.” This fight-or-flight response helps us overcome these challenges. It can save our life before we realize we’re in danger.
Topics: leadership, teams, collaboration, Success
Responding to Anonymous Complaints: Dos and Don'ts
If you receive an anonymous complaint, it is important to remain calm and review the complaint objectively regardless of how egregious the accusations may seem. Although the complaint was received anonymously, the company still has an obligation to take action, if necessary, to ensure that employees are provided a workplace that is safe and free from harassing or discriminatory conduct.
Topics: leadership, teams, employers, employees, hr, Success
HR In Under Three Minutes: Documentation – The Magic Formula
We are going to talk for just a couple minutes about the magic formula for documentation. Why are we talking about documentation at all? Well, one of the most common questions we get is, “Can I terminate this employee?” The first thing we say in response is, “Do you have documentation of the poor performance or the behavioral issue?” Sometimes the answer is “yes,” often the answer is “no.”
It is really important that employers have documentation to back up their employment decisions. That documentation should have a few elements. So, let’s talk about those.
Topics: teams, collaboration, employers, employees, hr, documentation, termination
Question: What do we do if an employee is diagnosed with COVID-19?
What Employers Should Do If an Employee Makes a Racist Statement Online
Given renewed national attention on issues of racial equity and justice, employees and customers might be more inclined to report incidents of racism they witness in person or on the internet. In this article, we cover some recommended practices for employers if they receive a report that an employee has made a racist statement online.
Topics: leadership, employers, hr, harrassment
Revive+Thrive: 3 Steps to Building Your Online Reputation
Now is the time to #reviveandthrive
Reputation is an expensive asset that most companies desire. What most of them do not know is that Reputation is based in a trustworthy relationship, shaped by communication. It takes time and effort like everything else in life that is worthy of having and keeping.